A surgeon invented BiPAD to prevent staff from crawling on the OR floor ~2.3X per case to move bipolar foot pedals during surgery.
The BiPAD® device is designed to be highly adaptable for every surgical specialty and situation. If the situation calls for bipolar electrocautery, BiPAD® sterile cords can fill the need.

What is BiPAD®?
The first thing to understand Is that the BiPAD® device is actually a sterile cord that replaces the bipolar cord you currently use. The only difference is that our cord provides a hand switch for bipolar forceps electrocautery in a manner similar to the hand switch found on the monopolar or Bovie® pencil.
Why is BiPAD better?
1. Easier and faster to set up than a standard cord - no foot pedal setup required.
2. No need to crawl under the operating table during surgery to move the foot pedal.
3. No need to set up the foot pedal or apply a protective covering.
4. Increased ease of cleanup after a case - the entire BiPAD® cord and hand switch is consumable.
5. No need to stop surgery to replace a broken foot pedal.
6. The hand switch means that the surgeon can always turn on bipolar electrocautery, no need to stop to find the foot pedal.
7. BiPAD® means one fewer foot pedal under the operating table and this might translate into the decreased frequency of erroneous activation of the wrong foot pedal.
Ease of setup: Two steps of setup of the BiPAD® cord
1. Plug the BiPAD® into the electrocautery generator.
2. Attach the forceps taking into consideration the handedness of the surgeon. For right-handed surgeons, the forceps should be attached such that the BiPAD® hand switch is on the right side. For left-handed surgeons, the forceps should be attached such that the BiPAD® hand switch is on the left side.
3. Done!
BiPAD® is designed for surgeons who do not like change
1. Staff can provide the surgeon with the hand switch and the foot pedal at first.
2. The scrub can revert the BiPAD® forceps cord into a conventional bipolar cord by simply removing the actuator assembly and providing the surgeon with the bipolar electrocautery foot pedal.
3. The scrub nurse can also revert the BiPAD® to a nearly standard cord by simply removing the external arm - simply slide it all the way out.
4. In order to ease the transition to hand activation, the BiPAD® cord allows for activation by the hand switch and/or by the foot pedal.
5. The length of the BiPAD® external arm can be changed by sliding it up or down. Or it can be completely removed if the surgeon feels it is necessary to accommodate an unusual situation.
6. Removability of the actuator assembly and the actuator arm is provided to give the surgeon comfort in knowing that this new way of switching bipolar forceps current will work for whatever situation they encounter as well or better than a conventional bipolar cord.