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BiPAD® Surgical: bipolar forceps hand switch.
Reason # 1: BiPAD® solves a cricially important problem.“Electrocautery is arguably the single most-used surgical technique, yet it is perhaps the least understood and least appreciated by surgeons." Surgery cannot be performed without bipolar electrocautery. And soon, because of BiPAD®, no surgeon will have to tolerate searching for a foot pedal everytime they need to cauterize a bleeding vessel.
Reason #2: Existing cord technology is in the public domain.There is no Intellectual Property for most existing electrocautery cords. BiPAD®, Inc. and BiPAD® Surgical, will introduce new IP in this product line and this will allow for premium pricing and market dominance.
Reason #6: BiPAD® is safer.Bipolar forceps have never caused an operating room fire, monopolar electrocautery is the main cause of such fires. Further, monopolar cannot be used in patients with pacemakers, CNS stimulators and other implants. As populations age, more and more surgeries will be performed with bipolar electrocautery and without monopolar electrocautery.
BiPAD® is the first practical hand switch.BiPAD® is practical because it is integrated into the cord required to connect the forceps to the generator. The unique, ergonomically designed curved actuator arm fits the inner curve of the surgeon's finger allowing the surgeon to hold the forceps in the usual manner. Therefore the learning curve is negligible.
Reason #8: The BiPAD® disposable cord will retail for about the same price as an the conventional disposable cord it will replace.BiPAD® is a hand switch but the hand switch is part of the disposable cord used to connect the forceps to the generator. As such, the BiPAD® cord replaces a cord that is already purchased by almost every hospital for most of their surgeries. There is no need for new CMS codes. And no clinical data is required for 510K certification. BiPAD® universal cords will replace all current foot-switched bipolar cords because our cords will initially retail at equivalent price but with upgraded functionality.
BiPAD® saves time & money.Less time searching for a foot pedal or having a nurse reposition the foot pedal means less OR time - at $100/minute, it adds up fast. More importantly, spending time waiting to find the bipolar foot pedal is a waste of time for the surgeon, staff, and the patient. (BiPAD® commissioned an operating room staff survey indicating that staff must move the foot pedal for the surgeon 2.4x per surgery.)(ref x)
BiPAD® reduces blood loss.Less time searching for a foot pedal to activate electrocautery means less blood loss. (ref x)
BiPAD® Reduces Surgeon & Staff FatigueBipolar forceps are used dozens of times per surgery. Not having to look for a foot pedal before every activation reduces physician fatigue. AND - not having to hover over the foot pedal to reduce activation time reduces postural fatigue.
Reason # 1: BiPAD® solves a cricially important problem.“Electrocautery is arguably the single most-used surgical technique, yet it is perhaps the least understood and least appreciated by surgeons." Surgery cannot be performed without bipolar electrocautery. And soon, because of BiPAD®, no surgeon will have to tolerate searching for a foot pedal everytime they need to cauterize a bleeding vessel.
Reason #2: Existing cord technology is in the public domain.There is no Intellectual Property for most existing electrocautery cords. BiPAD®, Inc. and BiPAD® Surgical, will introduce new IP in this product line and this will allow for premium pricing and market dominance.
Reason #6: BiPAD® is safer.Bipolar forceps have never caused an operating room fire, monopolar electrocautery is the main cause of such fires. Further, monopolar cannot be used in patients with pacemakers, CNS stimulators and other implants. As populations age, more and more surgeries will be performed with bipolar electrocautery and without monopolar electrocautery.
BiPAD® is the first practical hand switch.BiPAD® is practical because it is integrated into the cord required to connect the forceps to the generator. The unique, ergonomically designed curved actuator arm fits the inner curve of the surgeon's finger allowing the surgeon to hold the forceps in the usual manner. Therefore the learning curve is negligible.
Reason #8: The BiPAD® disposable cord will retail for about the same price as an the conventional disposable cord it will replace.BiPAD® is a hand switch but the hand switch is part of the disposable cord used to connect the forceps to the generator. As such, the BiPAD® cord replaces a cord that is already purchased by almost every hospital for most of their surgeries. There is no need for new CMS codes. And no clinical data is required for 510K certification. BiPAD® universal cords will replace all current foot-switched bipolar cords because our cords will initially retail at equivalent price but with upgraded functionality.
BiPAD® saves time & money.Less time searching for a foot pedal or having a nurse reposition the foot pedal means less OR time - at $100/minute, it adds up fast. More importantly, spending time waiting to find the bipolar foot pedal is a waste of time for the surgeon, staff, and the patient. (BiPAD® commissioned an operating room staff survey indicating that staff must move the foot pedal for the surgeon 2.4x per surgery.)(ref x)
BiPAD® reduces blood loss.Less time searching for a foot pedal to activate electrocautery means less blood loss. (ref x)
BiPAD® Reduces Surgeon & Staff FatigueBipolar forceps are used dozens of times per surgery. Not having to look for a foot pedal before every activation reduces physician fatigue. AND - not having to hover over the foot pedal to reduce activation time reduces postural fatigue.
elecocautery basics
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