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BiPAD® Instruction Sheet

BiPAD Instruction Step 1





Drawing 1: The forceps is connected to the inserted into forceps plug (A)  end of the BiPAD® cord.

The Actuator Assembly (B) slides onto the side of the Forceps Plug (A).

The External Actuator Arm (C)  comes pre-inserted into the Actuator Assembly (B) but it can be removed simply by sliding outwards.

See below. 

BiPAD Instruction Step 2


Drawings 2 & 3 show that the external arm ( labeled (C) in drawing 1 above ) can be shortened or lengthened by sliding in and out. 

BiPAD Instruction Step 3


BiPAD Instruction Step 4


Drawings 4 & 5 shows that the actuator assembly (labeled (B) in drawing 1 above ) can be removed by holding the forceps plug (A) with one hand and the actuator assembly (B) with the other hand and sliding one against the other.

Drawings 4 & 5 also show that the actuator assembly ( labeled (B) in drawing 1 above ) can be reinserted by holding the forceps plug (A) with one hand and the actuator assembly (B) with the other hand and sliding one against the other. 

BiPAD Instruction Step 5


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